Oct 2The Söze Syndicate's Business Email Compromise: A Growing Threat for SMBsIn a newly uncovered campaign, a major cyber threat group, known as the Söze Syndicate, has emerged as a key player in the ongoing...
Oct 2Recruitment Sector Under Siege: New Spear-Phishing Campaign Deploys 'More_eggs' BackdoorThe recruitment industry is once again in the crosshairs of cybercriminals, with a new spear-phishing campaign delivering the More_eggs...
Apr 4New Email Authentication Requirements: A Unified Effort to Combat Email ThreatsIn a recent roundtable hosted by Valimail, in collaboration with email giants Google and Yahoo, industry leaders came together to discuss...
Mar 25Staying Safe Online During Tax Season: Tips for Businesses and ConsumersDuring tax season, businesses and consumers alike must be on high alert for potential online fraud and scams. Cybercriminals often take...
Jan 28Surge in Phishing Attacks on Microsoft 365 Users: The Rise of the 'Greatness' Phishing KitIn the evolving landscape of cyber threats, Trustwave SpiderLabs has identified a significant increase in the use of a sophisticated...
Jan 21Navigating the Security Risks of TikTok Shop: A Guide to Safe Online ShoppingTikTok's meteoric rise as a social media giant has been further fueled by the introduction of TikTok Shop, attracting users with its...